53 Comments on “Will liberals self-destruct in 2012?”

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  1. Paul says:

    In NYS, like you say, it makes no difference at all. But in states that decide elections, Colorado for example, this is a big deal.

  2. Two Cents says:

    “You might have heard that the Social Security system currently takes in more money than it pays out in order to try to handle the baby boomer problem. What happens with the excess money the system collects? The Social Security system buys U.S. Treasury bonds with the surplus. Essentially, the government (in the form of the Social Security Administration) loans the surplus to itself”

    From “how stuff works”

  3. dbw says:

    It looks like other voting blocs may be more important than the youth vote in 2012. What will independent voters do this time around? A poll in the last couple days shows this group souring on the current Republican field.Will Ron Paul run as a third party candidate? And, what happens if America Elect finds a credible candidate.

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