North Country veterans: How’s the economy treating you?

I’m researching a big story (maybe a series of stories) on service members making the transition from active duty to the private sector economy.  And I’d like to hear from folks who’ve served the country — doesn’t matter which branch — and are now chasing or holding civilian jobs.

Whether you’ve been out of uniform for a month or a couple of years, I’m interested in hearing your story.  If this is your life or you know someone whose story might be a good candidate for a national report, shoot me an email: [email protected].

This is a quick turn-around project, so please be in touch soon.  (Or, if you know someone, give them a nudge soon to contact me.)

All contacts will be confidential and off the record until we agree to go forward with a formal interview.  Again:  [email protected].

–Brian Mann, NCPR

2 Comments on “North Country veterans: How’s the economy treating you?”

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  1. Mike Boprey says:

    Brian, I recently retired in 2010 after 22 years in the Air Force. I transitioned to a great job doing what i did in the service. However, cincinnatti wasnt home, and i took a severe cut in pay and left a three year old home unsold to come back to the north country where i work as the st law county veterans service officer, assisting vets and their family members in obtaining their benefits. i would love to do an article if this sounds like a story you wish to take

  2. Preston Bond says:

    I have had a rough time after coming home from Iraq. I was out of work for three years. I don’t believe companies around the county take care of the Vets like they should. It should be put out more about the kick backs they get for hiring vets. Like Mike says we take a serious cut in pay. I have been trying to get in the Seaway for over three years I have 60 percent with 10 point preference and that no good enough and with the exp I have with a lot of things. They would rather hire non vets coming from one plant to another. Its very frustrating.

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