Let’s see what we unearth
ALL IN is an online open space for the NCPR staff–anything goes. You might catch a glimpse of Radio Bob crawling under the control room console or climbing a tower; you might be surprised to meet a neighbor who is a world renowned poet; we might ask if you’ve spotted blue-green ice like the formation Sandy saw between Tupper Lake and Long Lake; you might enjoy the link to a quirky new gardening or music website; or, June might share a few Zumba tips. You never know.
What makes this place what it is? Let’s find out…let’s follow these guys, born on my farm last month, through the door…
I can’t think of a better day to start this blog: it’s April 27 and snowing like crazy–great big flakes. Will it settle on and cover the foot-high garlic and rhubarb? It’s the north country. Ya gotta talk about the weather.