The ultimate political cure? A chain letter?

This is circulating around the email world, what do you think?

Congressional  Reform Act of  2010

1. Term  Limits.

12 years only,  one of the possible options  below..

A. Two Six-year  Senate terms
B. Six Two-year  House terms
C. One Six-year  Senate term and three Two-Year House  terms

2.   No Tenure / No Pension.

A  Congressman collects a salary while in office  and receives no pay when they are out of  office.

3.   Congress (past, present & future)  participates in Social Security.

All  funds in the Congressional retirement fund move  to the Social Security system immediately.   All future funds flow into the Social  Security system, and Congress participates with  the American people.

4.  Congress can purchase their own retirement plan,  just as all Americans do.

5.  Congress will no longer vote themselves a pay  raise.  Congressional pay will rise by the  lower of CPI or 3%.

6.  Congress loses their current health care system  and participates in the same health care system  as the American  people.

7.  Congress must equally abide by all laws they  impose on the American people.

8.  All contracts with past and present Congressmen  are void effective  1/1/11.

The American  people did not make this contract with  Congressmen.  Congressmen made all these  contracts for  themselves.

Serving  in Congress is an honor, not a career.  The  Founding Fathers envisioned citizen legislators,  serve your term(s), then go home and back to  work.

Not sure where this “reform act” originated, but it came into my in box with the request that I forward it to 20 people…and the note that it would take just three days for everyone of voting age to see it if we kept the chain going.

Well, is this the cure?


4 Comments on “The ultimate political cure? A chain letter?”

  1. Mike Ludovici says:

    I’m for it all!
    I will try and forward it.

  2. Mike Ludovici says:

    Points 3 thru 8 especially.

  3. Pete Klein says:

    Haven’t seen it yet, other than here, and would vote for everything except term limits and add one.
    I would add: No one can run for any office or hold any tax payer paid position (including Justice on the Supreme Court) beyond the age of 65.
    Never liked term limits. If someone is actually doing a good job and has the experience to do the job, I don’t see the reason to get rid of them.
    I know I am contradicting myself some with the age limit requirement but everyone should retire and let the young have more of a say in government.

  4. Ellen Beberman says:

    Would really like to see a term limit on Supreme Court Justices – a long one, say 15 years – but get them off at some point. This would make appointments to SCOTUS less charged, more mundane, because they would happen on a regular basis.

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