Fast forward to the past

Over at The In Box today the conversation is about Tyler Cowan’s interview on Morning Edition. The economist’s recently published book, The Great Stagnation, argues that the US economy has pretty much stagnated since WW II–and definitely since the 1970s, except for the development of the internet. Brian Mann pushes back against Cowan’s thesis, commenters weigh in on all sides of the issue.

I heard the Cowan interview and basically agreed with him. But it raises other questions for me: how much and what type of growth is “good” growth? who benefits from growth and innovation these days–or is that what has really changed?

Then, I opened the latest Utne online and came across this article about revisiting the impact of  the New Deal. Maybe an old idea like the New Deal really is what we need…


1 Comment on “Fast forward to the past”

  1. Pete Klein says:

    We are told and sold how great growth is but….
    We all want our children to grow up into good individuals, at least I hope we do. We are smart enough to know not all growth is good. We wouldn’t want our children to grow taller and heavier forever but seem unable to understand unrestrained growth in all areas except for goodness and integrity can lead to something very, very horrible.

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