A Few of My Favorite Things

…Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens…. No, these are not a few of my favorite things.
When it comes to winter in the north country, my favorite things are 1)The beautiful view out any window of the house; 2) A nice hot fire in the woodstove; and 3) Hot chocolate, hot chai, hot soup and hot fresh baked bread.
Once I’m outside I do enjoy a good snowy day, but I’m likely to spend much of the winter perusing seed catalogs and planning my spring garden. In spite of my usual winter hibernation habits, this past weekend was just TOO picturesque to stay indoors. Besides, there was a LOT of snow to move out of our driveway so I could get to work this morning!
Here are a few photos:

Our driveway, covered in overhanging birch trees. It’s a 4-wheel-driveway only through the winter months, but it’s usually canopied by trees, not covered in them.

That’s my husband Ron, accompanied by dog Bootsie. The snowblower is a new addition to our machinery line. Sure beats a shovel!

Here’s the view as I waited for the car to warm up this morning.

That’s my AWD chariot. In years past, I loaded groceries, guitars, and everything else on sleds to go up and down our driveway in the winter.

So… what are YOUR favorite things about north country winters?

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4 Comments on “A Few of My Favorite Things”

  1. Terence says:

    Fantastic pictures! Makes me glad to be inside, on the window seat over the radiator… wearing one of those awful Snuggies I swore I’d never actually use…

  2. Will Hunt says:

    We are enjoying your pics, but wonder how long your driveway is. We are 2400 feet in the non-snow months and then have to move out. WE admire your view!

  3. trek says:

    I love skiing through the woods in the deep snow! And of course, no bugs!

  4. Lucy Martin says:

    Much as I love gardening season, AMEN to the seasonal blessing of no bugs!!!!

    Thanks for the photos, Barb. Very pretty.

    I’m grateful you manage to get into work with obstacles like those!

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