QOTD: Is simple simpler?

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Tweeting more and enjoying it less? Have 4000 songs on your iPod, but can’t play three chords on a guitar? Lost your car at the mall again? Our conveniences can add a lot of complexity to life. Today’s story on ice harvesting with handsaws and a team of horses prompted Bill Haenel to wonder how the hi-tech approach to living stacks up against a more hands-on one.

Today’s Question of the Day is:

Is living off the grid easier or harder than a life filled with modern “conveniences?”


4 Comments on “QOTD: Is simple simpler?”

  1. tootightmike says:

    Living “off the grid” means less time to sit on your butt. I don’t know a lot of people who truly live OFF the grid, but do know a lot of people who are less connected. often they are engaged in growing, raising, making, or building something. Be it vegetables, chickens, art, music…it takes time. Building a home, or a family, or a business takes serious time, and connected butt time takes away from it.
    They say it takes 10,000 hours to become proficientl at something…piano, guitar, sculpture…chess. There are a lot of people who have become very proficient at…being connected…nothing else.

  2. Pete Klein says:

    If you want to pretend it is 1700, go ahead a pretend it is 1700.

  3. Bob Falesch says:

    I enjoy the scent of freshly cut wood much more when I use a hand saw.

    …non-sequitur? :–)

  4. jill vaughan says:

    just completely different. We have an Amish family living on our farm- so to them, we are futuristic. We have the internet, but no TV. The way we interact with the world is amazingly different because of that one thing. I have no desire to live in the past- my kids move easily between cultures- build a house out of trees they cut themselves, but have cell phones- like so many in the north country- amphibious or bilingual between environments and the languages of old loggers, and new bloggers.

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