Deep sea diving and NCPR fundraising

Cousteau, Cameron, and actor Bill Murray, in little deep sea caps

I have been really curious about the logistics–and physicality of –James Cameron’s deep sea dive. Here’s a link to a article on it.

But it’s fundraiser week, so I’ve been trying to figure out how I could draw a connection between deep sea diving and our decidedly land-based effort. Sure, you could say that the divers go into the deep in a little tin can, and we spend the week shaking the proverbial little tin cup. Or, you could say the divers leap into the dark abyss, and here at NCPR we leap into the unknown when we ask you for money to keep us going. Okay, it’s a stretch, I know.

And, then, I saw the picture of Cousteau, Cameron and Murray–all connected in some way to deep sea diving–and all wearing little  caps, two of them red.

Our man in a little red cap--shaking that cup for donations.

The rationale for doing this entry during fundraiser week became clear and irrefutable:

So check out the article and let me know about any other interesting articles on deep sea diving. I’ll be here in our little fundraiser bubble, following Todd’s lead ’cause he’s got the hat.

You’re the support team, the people who really make the dive–or drive–a success. Please give NCPR your support at 1-877-388-6277 or by clicking on the GIVE NOW button on this website. Thanks.

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