Greetings from Raleigh, the capital of bluegrass

This is the welcome banner that fronts the Raleigh Convention Center – three stories high. This city knows how to make bluegrass fans feel at home!
The Raleigh Convention Center is my home this week. This is the biggest week of the year for bluegrass players and their fans. The IBMA (which – this week – stands for ‘I’ve been mostly awake’) has kept the hotel lobbies, elevators and hallways full of bluegrass music. My hotel room is on a jamming floor this year. For you un-jammers, this means playing bluegrass music with strangers and acquaintances at any hour, day or night (but mostly night). When I checked in I had to sign a consent form agreeing that I would NOT jam between the hours of 5 am and 8 am. That’s right. Three bluegrass-free hours a day! The rest of the time there are no rules. I think this is where all those banjo jokes originate!
I’m here to attend seminars on all things bluegrass – and more. Copyright laws; conducting better interviews; how to be an effective emcee, to name a few. For performers, there are classes on songwriting, getting more gigs, staying healthy while touring for weeks, etc.
The exhibit hall opens tomorrow, where music makers and instrument makers come together to showcase their talents. This is a place where you can buy a $45 guitar pick, and pair it up with a $20,000 guitar. It’s spectacular! Needless to say, I’ll be a spectator. Check back here for photos very soon.
Last night I attended a DJ and promoter appreciation dinner and concert a few miles away in Garner, NC, hosted by Lorraine Jordan (who fronts the band Carolina Road). Turns out, she has her own coffeehouse!

This is Lorraine’s Coffee House – with a nice stage area and great sound system. This is clearly a listening room for great bluegrass music…with refreshments.
…. and not just coffee.

… and barbecue in the back room! North Carolina BBQ is not sweet – it’s very tangy, with plenty of vinegar on it, and lots of cole slaw. Hush puppies and grits are also a staple here.
We enjoyed a semi-private concert with Lorraine Jordan, the band Sideline, and special guest, country star Eddie Raven.
Back at the Convention Center, Sir Walter Raleigh is again decked out with hundreds of banjo rims and necks, all donated by Deering Banjos. These were rejects from their banjo works, and put to good use here in the name of art.
Some of you may have heard about the Steve Martin prize for banjo excellence – a $50,000 prize awarded annually to a player who has demonstrated outstanding accomplishment in the field of five-string banjo or bluegrass music. This year’s winner is Danny Barnes, a great banjo picker with a sense of humor like no other. Of course he’s in town this week!
Then there was the panel discussion on the benefits of digital music downloads for DJs, followed by the latest in music copyright litigation. Finished just in time for the Momentum Awards luncheon, where industry leaders and up-and-comers are recognized for their accomplishments, talents, and volunteerism. It’s a sit-down luncheon for hundreds of artists, promoters, festival organizers, record label execs, and bluegrass fans.
Tomorrow night is the event we’re all waiting for – the annual IBMA awards show (hosted by north country natives The Gibson Brothers). I hope to look in on the dress rehearsal – and String Fever listeners will hear all the winners on next week’s show! Goodbye for now – the jammers are in full swing outside the door, and Raleigh is full of great music tonight!