Holler, howl or whisper


David Sommerstein warms up the crowd at a Watertown slam last spring.

It’s a story slam. Jump on stage, and tell it from your heart. Be a little scared, because you’re telling a roomful of friends and strangers about something that really happened to you. Make us cry because you got through a hard patch; make us laugh because you’re laughing at yourself.

Hey, even I got onto the stage and into the slam in Plattsburgh.

Hey, even I got onto the stage and into the slam in Plattsburgh.

Now, imagine you’re sipping a glass of wine or cup of coffee in a friendly bar filled with familiar faces. It’s a summer evening.  15 or 20 people throw their names in a hat and take turns telling personal stories about lessons learned–to pull us all together. Maybe you’ll just listen, maybe you’ll tell us your story. It doesn’t matter. In this place, at this moment we’re creating a community–every storyteller needs someone to listen; every listener needs a voice coming to them from across the campfire.

Okay, now that I know you’re on board, you need to know a little more–about where to be and, if you’re going to let us hear your story, how to make it ring true. Here’s the link, for tips on shaping your story. You’ll also find the slam schedule through September, including our Grand Slam.

We’re teamed up with the Adirondack Center for Writing, so you know it’s gonna be good…and fun!

Lauren Rosenthal jumps into the howl and tells her story in Watertown.

Lauren Rosenthal jumps into the howl and tells her story in Watertown.

Nathalie Thill, from ACW, emcees as we announce the night's winners in Plattsburgh.

Nathalie Thill, from ACW, emcees as we announce the night’s winners in Plattsburgh.


Zach Hirsch sets up the mic in Plattsburgh.


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