Dale Hobson on February 15th, 2012
Jeweler Cindy J. Cook at work
You can’t take a walk around the North Country without tripping over someone making art. Painters, potters, jewelers, printmakers, sculptors, and people “doin’ things that haven’t got a name yet.”
Many artists means many patrons. Today’s Question of the Day is:
When did you last buy a work of art? What was it, and who made it?
Tags: qotd
I’ve made trades (my art for your art:), but have never bought a piece outright. The only time I offered cash for a piece was something I commissioned from a local (Chicago, before I moved to the North Country) artist as a gift.
I have noticed there is a lot of artsy effort — especially visual/plastics art, and a fair number of poets — around here. There’s a bit of textile art here too. I’m very keen to know examples of what this might include:
“…people “doin’ things that haven’t got a name yet.”
I’ve bought photos from Mark Kurtz and Barry Lobdell, and pottery from Andrea Hill. Buts its been a couple of years now. There are some great artists and craftspeople here – we are very lucky.
I do a bit of my Christmas shopping every year at Creative Spirit in Potsdam. A great number of local artists are represented there, and I only wish I had more to spend.
Oh, is that the name of the shop which is associated with the SL County Arts Council? I should have been more affirmative earlier, but I guess I was thinking in terms of direct purchases from an artist. Yes, I have gotten many gifts, as well, from the SLCA shop in Potsdam. A textile, ceramics, handmade greeting cards, etc. I feel so much better about myself now :–)
I miss the North Country. I wish there was an easy means to support ones’ self creating art full-time. The last artwork I bought was actually one of my own (a print, a couple weeks ago) from an online giclee printing source to include in an upcoming art show. I grew up in the North Country and now live in the Chicago area.
I buy other peoples art work all the time. Just bought some beaded work at the North Country Art center in Chestertown for holiday gifts, as well as the Shirt Factory in Glens Falls. There is also an active market that buy my pieces too. Art in the public Eye, a movable art exhibit just opened with work priced no more than $99.00-.99, work flew off the walls!
The last thing I bought for myself was a painting by Ken Wiley (Saranac Lake). I often buy gifts from the SLC Arts Council store in Potsdam. We are fortunate to have so many talented people among us.