September gardens
I snapped photos of my garden and flower bed during a rain shower earlier this week.
The wet summer has kept lots of things going longer and later than last year.
Still, I know many areas have experienced one or more frosty nights. (We’ve snuck through without frost…so far.)
How has the frost changed your garden? Did you cover tomatoes? (I have friends who still don’t have ripe tomatoes, beyond an occasional one for the salad bowl.)
I’m wondering what your gardens look like now. Apologies to anyone who sent photos in the last week or two. I mistakenly deleted some emails.
Please send recent photos of your gardens. I promise to be more careful. When you send your photos, include your location and any comments about you’d like to share about gardening this summer. What did particularly well? Which crops or plants struggled with the wet weather?
Send your photos and garden comments to [email protected] and I’ll post them in the coming week.