A Slow Word on Turtles

With the summer-like weather this week, I’ve been getting up early to  exercise outside. One of the unexpected benefits of this has been some fantastic turtle sightings. I was a little surprised to see a good-sized one making its way to the shoulder of a back country road yesterday, and today I saw TWO turtles while on my current favorite walking trail. Both were poised over dug-out holes, presumably doing their part to continue the species. I felt exhilarated, and privileged, to be so close to these egg-laying reptiles as they quietly went about their lives.

Of course, my sightings weren’t all so fabulous. In my travels, I did see evidence of a once-was turtle — Shell shards sprawled over a section of the state highway that runs not far from the trail. No inspiration there…(sigh)…However, it was a good reminder to self to be watchful for turtles out on the roadways. They are certainly on the move these days, and are, in some cases, in places one might not expect.

So, as you are traveling about this holiday weekend, look out for our hard-shelled friends – and for rubberneckers like me.

2 Comments on “A Slow Word on Turtles”

  1. Jennifer B says:

    I’ve moved two turtles across the road so far this year. I keep a careful eye out for them and try to assist when I can. I’m envious that you’ve been able to see them nest! Lucky!

  2. Chris LaRose says:

    Oh please; i am so sick of people falling all over because of little turtles and dolphins and birds and cats and dogs dying. Meanwhile, where’s the outrage over the murder of 1,350,000 unborn human babies yearly in this country?!

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