On the road ears

I’m on the road this weekend–for station work and to see family and friends. If–and of course that’s a big if–you’re not listening to the radio in your car, what do you listen to? A particular type of music? A mix of genres? I’m curious. One man I know never listens to the radio or to music in his car–he’s strictly a books-on-tape guy. I’m most inclined to go to my cd collection (believe it or not, I still listen to cds rather than an iPod–mostly because I use car time to audition new material) late at night during the week. I love classical music but I find it a bit too soothing when I’m driving.

If you post your listening choices below, let us know specifics–names of books or musicians and cds you like for the road. The Rolling Stones can’t be beat for a hot summer day, windows rolled down, pants rolled up

5 Comments on “On the road ears”

  1. Hank Hofmann says:

    I rarely listen to music anymore when driving. My car radio is always tuned to NPR when I can get it and CBC when I can’t – and when CBC is terrible (as it often is), my car radio is in the off position.

    Having said that, one of my most favourite driving songs of all time is Riders On The Storm by the Doors – especially when its raining.

  2. I know I’m going to have to take abuse for this, but here goes: I listen to my iPod Shuffle which is full of mostly ’60s and ’70’s music: The Monkees, Barry Manilow, Johnny Mathis, Bobby Vinton, 5th Dimension, Mamas & Papas. I also have a little bit of Beyonce, Carrie Underwood and Taylor Swift to make me feel young. Oh yeah – I almost forgot my all time favorite – The Archies’ Sugar Sugar!! 🙂

  3. outsider says:

    I listen to podcasts ALL the time. Here are 2 places to check out: Slate magazine has several chat format podcasts – politics, culture, sports, etc. – that I enjoy. I also download the weekly show from KUOW Seattle on gardening, Greendays Gardening Panel. Not always applicable here, but lots of great info about creative vegetable and ornamental gardening.


  4. Hank Hofmann says:


    ‘Sugar, Sugar” is a great song and an even better driving song! No abuse from this corner for that choice. As for Barry Manilow, well….

  5. Watch it, Hank! A Barry Manilow concert is on my bucket list….LOVE HIM!!! 🙂 I had “Sugar, Sugar” as the ringtone on my phone and so many people complained that I changed it. That song makes me smile every single time I hear it. Gee, I think I’ll put it back on my phone.

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