Cleaned the chicken coop

That’s what I did this morning, before coming to the station to ask listeners to give money to the station. It’s fall fundraiser week, in case you’ve been out of town, or away from your radio and digital gadgets.

Cleaning a barn is one of the regular chores on a farm, of course. I know for a fact that it makes the hens, turkeys and sheep very happy when their indoor space is clean and tidy. It makes me happy because I know it’s good for them to have a clean house.

There are a few things you can count on in this life to make yourself and others happy. (Get ready, I’m winding up for the segue to ask for money…)

When you contribute to North Country Public Radio, you’re doing something nice for yourself, for your friends and neighbors who share the station with you, and for all of us who work at the station.

So giving to NCPR is like cleaning the chicken coop: makes everyone happy and healthy. What’s not to like? (This may be a station first: giving money compared to mucking out the barn.)

Call us at 1-877-388-6277 or slide over to here to make a gift on line.


By the way, what did you do this morning before heading off to work?

1 Comment on “Cleaned the chicken coop”

  1. Fed the turkeys (followed putting down fresh hay).
    My thanks: a good turkey clawing…and I have the wounds to prove it!

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