Green giving, green living

Help build a regional source list of stores or online outlets for gifts and products that promote green consumption (is that an oxymoron?) and green giving. Add your store/product recommendations below.

What promoted this post was an email I received today from the national non-profit Green America, promoting products offered by hundreds of green stores and manufacturers.

Post your suggestions as a comment below, or email your ideas to me, [email protected].

Here’s another interesting website from the activist who wrote The Lazy Environmentalist, Josh Dorfman.

And here’s a young woman who has a very sensible–and effective–approach to green living:

1 Comment on “Green giving, green living”

  1. Cathy Whalen says:

    SunFeather Natural Soap Company

    Handcrafted soap and other products since 1979. Factory outlet store is located just outside of Parishville, NY on State Highway 72 (about 9 miles from Potsdam).

    Support your local economy by shopping locally this holiday season!

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