
What an odd word. We use it at the beginning of a new year to indicate a promise to ourselves or those around us to make a change or to do something new or different. It’s a word, in its verb form–resolve–that also means to focus or clarify. Or to see more clearly…perhaps to see what’s important.

What is important? I resolve to:

1. Laugh as much as possible–particularly at my own absurdity.

2. Do at least one thing on a daily basis that I know I should be doing and don’t. Doesn’t have to be a big thing…but it could be.

3. Improve my own commitment to that old favorite, the one that comes back year after year, the one that’s as old as recorded human history, the golden one…do unto others…

I’ll probably break all three on a regular basis, so my last resolution is to just keep plugging away at it.

Happy new year. If you want to share a resolution of your own, step right up with a comment. Go public. On the other hand, you’re welcome to be the first one to poke fun at my somewhat, yeah, absurd resolve.

1 Comment on “Resolutions”

  1. Pete Klein says:

    I find the best thing to do is to not make any resolutions. That way you won’t get depressed one you start to break them one by one. Or maybe just make resolutions you have a good chance of keeping.
    Here is my spur of the moment list of resolutions I can probably keep most of the time.
    I resolve not to kill anyone unless needed to do in self defense.
    I resolve to continue to work and pay taxes.
    I resolve to continue to voice my off the wall opinions with the hope of not offending but getting a laugh.
    I resolve to continue to believe most people, including politicians, are usually decent people.
    I resolve to continue to doubt most experts in science, economics, education and religion because it is up to them to try to prove their points without needing me to simply believe in them because they claim to be experts.
    I resolve to finish my latest vampire book, And God Created Vampires, before summer 2011 and get it published by hook or by crook.
    Now it’s time for you to make your new year resolution and offer just one suggestion for you. Please by all my books in print or as ebooks and get all your friends to do the same.
    Happy New Year!

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