
Frederick Exley

It’s an unusual name, Exley. So, when I first saw Brock Clarke’s book of the same name, I picked it up. I have been a fan of A Fan’s Notes, Exley’s remarkable “fictional memoir,” since I first read it back in the ’70s. I was pleased that someone else thought well enough of–and remembered–Exley’s work to name a novel after him.

And Exley, the novel by Brock Clarke, will be the focus of our conversation tonight on Readers & Writers. Brock Clarke will be in our studios to talk about this novel and his previous, highly-acclaimed novel, An Arsonist’s Guide to Writers’ Homes in New England.

Brock is visiting the north country for the SLU Writers Series. He’ll be giving a public reading on the SLU campus in Sykes Common tomorrow evening at 8:00 pm.

Our on air conversation with Brock Clarke gets underway this evening at 7, co-hosted by Chris Robinson and me.

If you’d like to know more about Frederick Exley, here’s the link.

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