Bob’s Bike Trip (3) Day 5

Believe it or not, I trained for this ride….a couple of weeks ago saw me taking 3-4 40 mile rides a week.  But one thing I didn’t train for was RAIN!  Originally, when I “conceived” of biking to the Cape, I’d planned to take my time at each stop, riding a few miles per day… if it rained, I’d just stay put until the rain stopped.

“Year One'” took 8 days, “Year Two” was 7, so (somehow) I had to keep it at 7 this year. This, however, was an error!  Because today it rained… as in all day, drenching rain.   As in soaked to the bone, chilling, squelching in the sneakers rain!  Plus I was driving on deadly Route 2, which has lots of things… mostly cars and trucks.  Rt. 2 is just missing one thing, and that’s shoulders on the side of the road.  So I got to ride on the little white line while 18 wheelers drove past me on both sides of the road, while it was pouring and my glasses were opaque.


But, I’m not complaining, because my friend Dave Doherty drove from Worcester to pick me up at the Laundry-Mat in Orange, Ma, and took me back to safety in his home.  Thanks Dave!

Along the way I had several great adventures, like when it really started to come down, I ducked inside a car wash… another time I hid in someone’s garage. When I finally got to Orange, Ma, I went to a laundry-mat to dry my old rotting clothes.  But first I had to dry out my $20 to feed the coin maching… now I have 76 quarters that I don’t ksssssssssssssssssssssssssssooooooooooooooooooooooo   sleeping again!

The upshot is that I only did 30 miles today, plus 70 miles by car, and am in Worcester now AND the weather for the next two days is decidely “iffy”! Tommorrow, more rain?

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