What floats your boat, ices your cake, or gets you jazzed?

Over the years I’ve broadcast or written all kinds of commentaries and feature pieces. Some elicit feedback from listeners or readers; some don’t. But one, above all others stands out: a commentary I did fifteen years ago about the arrival of Big Red at our farm. Probably dropped off somewhere nearby, Big Red found his way to our farm and immediately buddied up with our other dog at the time, Tiller. To this day, people still ask me if Big Red is alive, or if we have another dog like him. He was the first small dog I ever lived with…previously, I was a  large dog snob. Totally.

So, when this video made it into my email inbox this morning, I was reminded of Big Red and the remarkable response his story brought to the station.

Apparently, little dogs get to a lot of people. Thumbs up or down on little dogs? What gets you going? What do you care about, almost in spite of yourself–or, aside from those big weighty world issues, what is likely to, perhaps surprisingly, draw a deep response? Big Red sure was a surprise for me.

1 Comment on “What floats your boat, ices your cake, or gets you jazzed?”

  1. Pete Klein says:

    I’ll bite. We had a hot to me day in Indian Lake when the temp topped out at about 89. I know I shouldn’t complain but I really don’t like weather warmer than about 65 and keep praying for the next Ice Age.
    As you can guess, weather gets me going. I like thunder storms, wind storms and snow storms. I love the change of seasons, especially to fall and winter.
    I enjoy a good discussion and will often be the devil’s advocate just to prolong the debate and flush out people’s true feelings.
    I love playing with words and ideas. My approach is that nothing is or ever should be held sacred. Creation is just too fantastic to be confined by belief. I view belief as what people do when they are to afraid to say they don’t know and answer with what someone else told them to believe.
    There’s more but it’s too darn warm to go on for now.

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