Keene, Keene Valley, St. Huberts

Radio Bob and I will be in the Keene Valley area tomorrow. Bob will do some repairs/upgrades to our facilities at each of the three locations mentioned above; I’ll be trying to talk to people about how the radio station can help get help to those who need it.

We’ve been getting some emails and calls from listeners outside of the hardest hit areas. They want to know, in general, how to help–and, specifically, they’re asking things like, “can we donate clothes and household items, who is accepting or picking up items?” “can we send money somewhere?” “what else can we do?”

So, if you have answers to these questions or relevant suggestions, do send them to us. You can just email me at [email protected] or Dale Hobson at [email protected]. Dale is regularly updating our post-Irene hurricane page, which you can check out here.

For those most affected by the storm, if it helps at all, you should know that your neighbors in surrounding communities are thinking about the hardship and loss you’re dealing with and want to help.

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