Power outages and falling temperatures

Last night’s strong winds calmed down early this morning, but not before causing power outages affecting more than 7,000 people across the North Country. On its website, National Grid estimates power will be restored this morning for most people.

Temperatures are expected to drop through the day with single digits by this afternoon and near zero tonight.

More weather info on our website and at the National Weather Service, which issued a Special Weather Statement:

Rapid freeze-up this morning across the north country…

Sharply falling temperatures this morning following yesterday’s precipitation and melting snow is resulting in a rapid freeze-up of any standing water on road surfaces and sidewalks. Formation of black ice will be widespread this morning, causing hazardous conditions on any untreated surfaces for motorists and pedestrians alike. Be aware that asphalt and concrete surfaces that appear wet this morning are instead likely thin sheets of ice that are extremely slick and will offer little or no traction.

A strong cold front passing through the region from west to east is causing the rapid drop in temperatures.

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