Signs of summer

We’re a few days past the solstice, so it is unequivocally summer. Here are some images from around my neck of the woods that say “summer” to me. What are the icons of summer for you?

Early Queen Anne’s Lace (wild carrot).

Summer means music festivals. Here, Peter Karp and Sue Foley performing recently at the Norwood Village Green Concert Series.

Weddings! Here, Bob and Jackie Sauter pose with Anna Hendrickson and Jonathan Brown after their wedding at St. John’s in the Woods at Paul Smiths.

Water and boats. Here…on the St. Lawrence River.

Hmm…did I mention roadwork as a summer icon?

Roadside viper’s bugloss and daisies.

Grass-fed beef cattle on the grass, at Sugar Hill Farm, DeKalb.\

Haying started…more to go.

RV season.

Day lilies and “perennial” sweet peas.

Knee high by the 4th of July? Close.

On the road…during the summer.

1 Comment on “Signs of summer”

  1. Lucy Martin says:

    Nice montage of photos that say summer, Ellen.

    But (more importantly) congratulations to Jonathan Brown and Anna Hendrickson!

    Wishing them both a lifetime of love, laughter and adventures ahead.

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