Remembering rabbits and ribbons

We can’t let this week go by without mentioning the St. Lawrence County Fair in Gouverneur.   It’s on through August 5th.   I have fond memories of exhibiting at the Anoka County Fair in my home state, Minnesota.

I was active in my local 4-H club — the Northwest Sunnysiders — and remember loading the pickup with crates of ducks, chickens, roosters (for the crowing contest) and rabbits. This is me in the mid-70’s with “Captain”, who won a blue ribbon that year:


Zen and the art of bunny maintenance. Captain was an American Dutch and one of about 2 or 3 rabbits that I exhibited each summer at the county fair.


One year, I got a first-place blue ribbon for my vegetable garden exhibit. That meant if the local Grand Champion or Reserve Champion couldn’t attend the State Fair, I would go. I got the call about a week before the State Fair in St. Paul and assembled my collection of veggies from the garden — tomatoes, beets, onions, summer squash, beans, potatoes.  It was lots of fun staying in a dormitory on the fair grounds with 4-Hers from all over the state.  But not so fun when the judge informed me that potatoes weren’t allowed at the state level and I was given a white ribbon.  Guess I was so excited I didn’t read the fine print.

Live and learn.

1 Comment on “Remembering rabbits and ribbons”

  1. Anita says:

    Hooray for prize winning rabbits! Hooray also for 4-H! I have a vested interest in 4-H as a person who works for Cooperative Extension and as a mom of a 4-Her, and have spent some time in the youth dorms at the State Fairgrounds in Syracuse. I wonder if the beds are more comfortable in Minnesota?

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