North Creek: mosaic update

Kate Hartely installs the last piece of the river. (Photo: Clayton Schmale…Kate’s 9-year old son.)

For over a year, I have been following the progress on a community mosaic being created in North Creek under the leadership of artist and teacher, Kate Hartley. If you’d like to follow the story from the beginning, here are the links: one, two, three. Plus, check out the story Brian Mann did on the project.

Here’s Kate’s latest report:

We’re up in the trees and sky now, Ellen!

Last night, a group of women crafters showed up to help, and made the first evergreen trees… out of melted wine bottle pieces (that were “slumped” in the school’s kiln).

Kate and Mel work on a tree. (Photo: Clayton Schmale.)

Wendy, Mel, Julie and Kate admire the finished tree.

Cloud installation. (Photo: Elise Widlund)

The cloud photo was taken by photographer Elise Widlund, who happened by just as I had begun attaching a cloud, with the help of a wonderful passerby. He willingly jumped up on the scaffold with me, to squish the cloud into place. Clouds are made of tile, glass, with accents of seashells. The clouds were created by Alicia and Sophia, and other amazing teens, at the Tannery Pond Community Center (TPCCA)Art & Nature Camp last year.

Wendy and Lilly making a rock. (Photo: Clayton Schmale)

We have also begun distant hills in a beautiful deep green, which really makes the rafters and river stand out! I’ll send another photo of the whole thing, soon! ~Kate

3 Comments on “North Creek: mosaic update”

  1. These pictures are great – really shows the community effort! What a fantastic project it is!!!!!!


  2. joyce tuffey says:

    Thrilled to see the progress…the colorful walls make such a difference to the North Creek area…thanks for your dedication.

  3. Shirley Perry says:

    Dear Kate,

    This is a monumental achievement! You have made a beautiful riverscape emblematic of your community and gave many others the opportunity to contribute to this beautiful artistic endeavor. Congratulations. I am so proud of you.
    Love, Aunt Shirley

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