NCPR cleans your windshield

Saturday morning again and I’ve had one full week of watching the mighty engine of the public radio business model at work. It, and you, are firing on all cylinders, and we have more than passed the halfway mark to our $250,000 goal. Thank you doesn’t begin to cover it. That’s one reason we have the prize drawings and the mugs and totes and all other gear which allows public media cognoscenti to recognize fellow members of the tribe.

We’re a curious tribe—in fact curiosity is one of our distinguishing traits. We love to gather around the electric campfire to hear and tell stories from near and far. And we’re a generous bunch, sharing our resources with the tribe and other worthy institutions in the community. We have a little bit of the smarty-pants thing going on, too, and we’re not shy about sharing criticism, praise, recipes, photos, poetry. . .

Photo: swayframe, Creative Commons, some rights reserved

Photo: swayframe, Creative Commons, some rights reserved

Which reminds me; Happy Poetry Month! If you are new to the tribe, you may not know that the NCPR tribe celebrates this every year with a haiku invitational. I would have launched it yesterday, but bugs infested the NCPR website, as they often do on April 1.

To get us started, here’s a new haiku-shaped object summarizing the public media business model in 17 syllables:

Give away for free,
then ask for contribution—
squeegee man method.

You can submit your own haiku celebrating the season, or whatever you want to celebrate (or even dispraise) at the link above. Or even better, write a haiku into the comment space at the bottom of the online donation form when you:

Make a gift to NCPR

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