Full court press

For nearly five years NCPR has discovered and reported stories arising from the murder of Potsdam 12-year-old Garrett Phillips, and the complicated path that has led up to the trial for murder of former Clarkson soccer coach Nick Hillary, which will open this week on September 6. All though changes in the prosecution and defense teams, a wrongful arrest civil suit, indictment, dismissal and re-indictment, postponements, the recusal of one judge and assignment of another, a key evidentiary battle—NCPR had been there with research, facts, and key questions and answers.

To follow the Nick Hillary trial beginning next week, subscribe to this podcast

To follow the Nick Hillary trial beginning next week, subscribe to this podcast

The case has garnered a lot of attention from the national press, in some cases building upon our original reporting — more than three-dozen NCPR stories so far. But little national reporting has had the benefit of the expertise, local sources, constant focus, proximity to the principals, and access to source documents in the case that a local news team like NCPR can provide. Our team has produced deep analysis and context, and has broken crucial news of the case in its broadcast and on its website.

Among some notable deep dives are last year’s Why is justice for Garrett Phillips so complicated?, last month’s Tunnel Vision: Did police cast a wide enough net for Garrett Phillips’ killer? and yesterday’s Finding the 12: three steps to selecting Nick Hillary’s jury.

Here’s what you can expect going forward. All during the estimated six- to eight-week trial of Nick Hillary, NCPR will be in the courtroom, providing live developments via social media, courtroom photography, and regular reporting and analysis of major developments via broadcast and website reporting. Each court day, NCPR reporters will wrap up the day’s proceedings and other news of the case in a new podcast: Day-By-Day: the Nick Hillary Trial. And all of this reporting will be gathered together in a new Tumblr site now under construction, which can be accessed at ncpr.org/hillarytrial.

News coverage the way you expect it from public media—smart, deep, informative, and focused on the facts.

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