Up, Up, and Away in Gatineau

Photo by James Morgan

The festival balloon is piloted by Brigitte Johnstone of Gatineau.  Photo by James Morgan

The Labor Day weekend weather was perfect for the 29th annual Festival de Montgolfières de Gatineau. In English, that’s the Gatineau hot air Balloon Festival. The differences in names and terms between French and English are not always literal. In French, a hot air balloon is called a Montgolfier—named after the two French brothers, Joseph-Michel and Jacques-Étienne Montgolfier who invented the craft way back in 1783. Over 230 years later, the big balloons still enchant and entertain people on and off the ground.

Twenty-five balloons from across North and South America were on display on the evening of Labor Day. Some stayed on the ground and others lifted off over the city. The display was a brief, carefree pause at the end of the last long weekend of summer. With their eyes on the skies, going back to school or work seemed like the last thing on anyone’s mind.

Getting ready for liftoff at La Baie park.  Photo by James Morgan

Getting ready for liftoff at La Baie park. Photo by James Morgan

"Super FMG" is from Quebec and piloted by Sebastien Poupart.  Photo by James Morgan

“Super FMG” is from Quebec and piloted by Sebastien Poupart.  Imagine those eyes staring in the window of your high-rise apartment?  Photo by James Morgan

Up high in a blue sky.  Photo by James Morgan

Up high in a blue sky. Photo by James Morgan

The checkered balloon on the left is from Ontario.  The striped one on the right is from Quebec.  Photo by James Morgan

The checkered balloon on the left is from Ontario. The striped one on the right is from Quebec. Photo by James Morgan

"Speedy Snail" from Sao Paulo Brazil with the festival midway in the background.  Photo by James Morgan

“Speedy Snail” from Sao Paulo Brazil with the festival midway in the background.  Stage shows also hosted popular French-Canadian singers all weekend long.  Photo by James Morgan

The pink balloon on the left is from Mexico City and was at the festival to promote tourism.  The balloon further away at the right is from Quebec.  Photo by James Morgan

The pink balloon on the left is from Mexico City and promotes tourism.  The two balloons further away at the right are from Quebec. Photo by James Morgan

"Baby Blue" is operated by Henry-Martin Steiger of Florida.  Photo by James Morgan

“Baby Blue” is operated by Henry-Martin Steiger of Florida. Photo by James Morgan

Who said chickens cannot fly?  Photo by James Morgan

Who said chickens can’t fly? Photo by James Morgan

The festival is held at La Baie park.  Even the street leading to it bares the French name for hot air balloon.  Photo by James Morgan

Even the street leading to La Baie park bears the French name for hot air balloon (and it’s not Jacques Cartier!). Photo by James Morgan

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