Time to stand with public radio

Much of the anger and bitterness driving the national debate today stems from the perception that our communities are falling apart. At the same time there are concerted efforts to sow distrust in our basic institutions – the police, the courts, the media, the civil service, the democratic process itself.

This makes it more important than ever to be judicious about where you place your energy and attention. Obscured by a tsunami of hot rhetoric and opinionated blather lie real communities – your communities. And far outside the studios full of Beltway talking heads can be found real journalists digging into the stories that most concern the places where you and your family live.

In the actual villages that make up “the global village,” local and regional news outlets are shrinking and disappearing, starved of resources and attention while eyes are focused on the latest tweet from who knows where. And the communities themselves wither, too, from lack of attention and resources.

That’s why by far the largest portion of NCPR’s budget goes to fund our local and regional news reporting and reporters. NCPR stands with the North Country, and that’s why you should consider standing with us. We put your money to work right where you live, bringing to light the lives and stories of our region in a way that no one else could.

Our fall fundraiser launches on Wednesday. If NCPR is not doing the job, who will? And if we don’t have your support, how can we get it done?

Help us get started with a gift today

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