We’ve got photos from Martha’s garden, too

"Amish" past tomato struggling, but if you look closely...there are suckers to deal with, even so. Photo: Martha Foley

“Amish” past tomato struggling, but if you look closely…there are suckers to deal with, even so. Photo: Martha Foley

After news director Martha Foley and I commiserated about how slowly the tomatoes in our gardens are growing–actually about how they haven’t grown at all–Martha shared a couple of photos from her garden, taken this morning. We’re both growing several varieties of tomatoes, including one we know as “Amish paste” (I’ve also heard it referred to as “Mexican paste”), which produces a large, plum-shaped and very solid fruit. It’s my favorite for canning because it has dense, firm flesh and produces very little liquid in the jar.

Keep those garden photos coming. Tuesday is the official garden photo day at ALL IN, but I’m happy to take your photos any time.

Check out Martha’s conversation with Amy Ivy about tomatoes facing challenging weather so far this year.

Together we’ll create a regional garden diary for 2013. Email: [email protected] and don’t worry about size or cropping, I can take care of all of that. But do let me know your name, location, and share anything you’d like about gardening and growing plants of all varieties.







Another photo from Martha, “featuring garlic, rhubarb and the volunteers: cilantro and Johnny jump-ups.” This also seems to be an amazing year for volunteer dill. Anything else emerging as an early volunteer in your garden?





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