
If you live in an old house or run any kind of farm operation, the word “temporary” has special significance. Most people think of “temporary” as a few hours, perhaps a few days, even a month or two. On a farm, you are probably still  monkeying with the jerryrigged fence you put in ten years ago; or, maybe your dishes still live in “temporary” kitchen cabinets thrown up back when the kids were born…and they just graduated from college. It’s usually a matter of resources–time and money available to replace the temporary solution when there are so many other exigencies on a farm or around an old house calling out for their own “temporary” solutions. This morning, my husband and I agreed we urgently needed a gate between two of the sheep pastures–this when gardens are going in, his shop is being set up for the summer season, we’re getting ready to hay. We looked at each other, with straight faces, and said, “we’ll just put up something temporary to get us by for the moment.” Check back with me in a couple of years…

I started to think about “temporary” solutions in truly critical situations. Came across a short video on YouTube about what we hope is a very temporary situation for people in Haiti.

Ever wonder what’s in those Red Cross and Habitat “temporary” housing boxes sent to people in dire post-catastrophy need? Here’s the deconstruction of one of those kits:

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