Hot roller Derby Days

So, I’m having a bad hair day(s) and can’t get an appointment. Desperate times call for desperate measures. I raced to the local “got everything” store, found my way to the hair care aisle and lunged for the only thing that could possible transform this day – hot rollers. Yes, folks, I bought hot rollers. Very close to the ones I used in the 70’s, minus the spikes. Now you may think, big deal, but wait. With these cylinders come all the nostalgia of the 60’s and 70’s. I’m craving Bazooka bubble gum and skirts that are entirely too short for this gal now and I want to strap on the roller skates. And there’s more… I’ve only had about two cigarettes in my entire life, but as I look in the mirror at this Medusa-like head of round plastic and clips, I have this almost uncontrollable urge to light up! What’s next… fishnet stockings??

Oh for a good Patty Duke re-run today!!

1 Comment on “Hot roller Derby Days”

  1. ARGH!! You just made me remember my very first pair of bell bottoms. They were pea green and orange paisley print. And I LOVED them!!!

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