Time to revisit agricultural policy?

This blog entry came from Raj Patel, a writer/activist/educator. If it’s hard to read the fine print, you can click on this link. In a nutshell: 95%+ of federal agricultural subsidies go to corn, soy and wheat. Everything else we grow and eat, shares the paltry remainder. Great graphic representation of this concept.

Ever wonder what the White House garden would look like if it were to follow the patterns laid down by the Department of Agriculture’s funding priorities? Here’s a map, made by my fellow Food and Community Fellow, Roger Doiron.

2 Comments on “Time to revisit agricultural policy?”

  1. Pete Klein says:

    How about not subsidizing anything. If we really believe in the Free Market, then let it be free of all subsidies.

  2. Ellen Rocco says:

    Actually, I’d be in favor of subsidizing the consumer. Let farmers charge what they need to charge to make a living producing food. It’s certainly a great deal more than what they get right now, while the public pays much less than the true value of the food. It may be necessary to expand “food stamp” programs across the country. Or, we’ll all be eating oatmeal three times a day.

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