It’s quiet, a little too quiet

If you need more excitement, imagine the police are chasing you as you speed through the streets to make gift. Screen shot: Grand Theft Auto, gta

If you need more excitement, imagine the police are chasing you as you speed through the streets to make your gift. Screen shot: Grand Theft Auto, gta

Most folks applaud NCPR’s new “quiet” approach to fundraising, and you have brought us very near to our goal of $330,000 without making us release the flying muh. . . I mean, without our interrupting programs. But we do hear from a few who prefer the old-school full-scale broadcast approach.

The new way is a little too calm for them, a little too quiet. And to be fair, something beautiful can sometimes emerge about eight minutes into an extended extemporaneous pledge pitch. Sometimes. But for most folks, the new way is better.

The only problem is, we still have a little ways to go and only a little bit of time left now to get there. Come Monday morning, one of two things will happen:

  1. We will be giving our profuse thanks to everyone who helped bring to a close our most successful fund drive ever, and be drawing the winner of our grand prize, or
  2. We will be stepping into Morning Edition and other programs to continue asking for your support.

I’ve already cast my vote for option 1 by renewing my annual contribution to keep NCPR strong. The drive will end whenever we reach the goal. So why not right now?

It’s Time to Give

PS: If you need a little more excitement to get you going, imagine you are rushing your gift to the station at the last possible moment, racing through the streets with a squadron of police cars on your tail going BEE-doh! BEE-doh! BEE doh!. That always gets my blood pumping.

1 Comment on “It’s quiet, a little too quiet”

  1. dbw says:

    The new way may be better but my hunch is that its success is inextricably linked to the old way and all the years of on air fundraisers that created a bond with people and has fostered the station’s credibility After a few years the “new way” may not work as well as new listeners do not share the same sense of connection with the station.

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