It only works when you turn the crank

crank-wheel-1024For a few years after the great Ice Storm of ’98, a popular thank-you gift during NCPR fundraisers was a hand-crank radio. You turned the crank, it charged up, out came NCPR news and programs and entertainment. People wanted to know that in another emergency, they could count on NCPR being there to keep them informed, to keep cabin fever at bay–even when the grid was down, even when half the trees in the yard were down.

But in reality, this is how NCPR works all the time. Our friends have to turn the crank to keep NCPR going. It’s the only way to charge us up. We’re rolling into the final days of our spring fundraiser now and many of you have been cranking hard, making gifts that have taken us well down the road to our goal. Thank you.

But we can’t let the signal start to fade. To be specific, we need to raise about $10,000 every day from now until the end of the week to hit our mark. On average, it will take a new team of 100 people giving–cranking–every day to get us there.

That’s just math–well, metaphorical math anyway.

Please, make a gift now to keep NCPR working

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