A to-do list for summer

Checking number eight off the list. Photo: Melinda, Creative Commons, some rights reserved

Checking number eight off the list. Photo: Melinda, Creative Commons, some rights reserved

There is only about a month of summer left. A few maples are already showing color in the St. Lawrence Valley. Not that there has been a whole lot of summer so far, what with all the frog-friendly weather.

So time is running out to tick off all the boxes on your summer to-do list.

No, not the list of deferred maintenance chores around the house, not the objectives you listed on your job performance review – the other list.

  1. Climb up until you run out of mountain
  2. Watch a concert from a lawn chair
  3. Look back down the wake at a swiftly receding island
  4. Lick ice cream in a parking lot
  5. Go on a midway ride
  6. Cook dinner on the porch and eat it on the steps
  7. Go off trail to check out an odd flower
  8. Nap in a hammock
  9. Follow a heron around in a canoe
  10. Cool feet in a waterfall flume
  11. Walk through a meadow before the dew has dried
  12. Throw a Frisbee around
  13. Look at the stars from the end of the dock
  14. Stare into the coals of a campfire
  15. Drive around with no destination but cool breeze

It’s time to get busy with not being so busy. Tick tock.

I’m sure I left something out. Let me know in a comment below.

4 Comments on “A to-do list for summer”

  1. Watch a yellow Butterfly perform its ‘cupid’s bow across the back field …

  2. JulieH says:

    Lie on your back and watch the clouds drift by. Imagine shapes.

    Stay outside past dark and listen for kids playing and laughing.

  3. David Duff says:

    Listen to the loons.

  4. Pete Klein says:

    There were only two things to do on my to-do list.
    One, work.
    Two, go to my granddaughter’s wedding.
    Accomplished the last on Saturday and will continue to do the first as long as possible because retiring is for snowflakes.

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