Call-in: Ask NPR senior editor Mark Memmott about journalism and ethics, 11 am – noon


Mark Memmott. Photo: Doby Photography/NPR

NCPR is thrilled to welcome Mark Memmott, NPR’s senior editor for standards and practices, to Canton this week for two special events:

He gave a talk on campus this Wednesday, February 21 at 7 pm in Sykes Common Room on the campus of St. Lawrence University focused on the challenges that reporters and news organizations face in a time of media fragmentation and attacks on fact-based journalism, and how NPR and North Country Public Radio approach their work.

And Thursday, February 22 from 11 am to noon, Mark Memmott will take part in an on-air call-in on NCPR along with Martha Foley and Brian Mann from the NCPR news team. They’ll be talking about journalism in challenging times, and taking your calls.

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