Brian Mann on November 24th, 2008
Our Fresh Start series continues tomorrow when we talk with John Bogle, founder of the Vanguard Group of investment funds.
Bogle, who spends a big chunk of each year in Lake Placid, has long been an advocate of investor and corporate ethics.
“Introspection is the one prerequisite when you’ve gone through a hellish experience like this,” Bogle says in an interview with NCPR. “You sit down and you say, ‘What happened and why did it happen?’ But I don’t see introspection. Part of it is because a lot of the prime offenders are gone. They’ve helped to destroy their companies…”
Bogle’s prediction: A two-year long DEEP recession. Tune in for the full conversation tomorrow during the 8 O’clock Hour and again during All Before Five.
And chime in – where do you think the economy is headed? And how will it affect Main Street commerce here in the North Country?