Is compromise too much of a good thing?

President Obama is losing the messaging war over the economic stimulus package. Obama knows it, too. He ramped up his rhetoric last night at the House Dems’ retreat. And he’s creating another economic advisory council to help strengthen his message.

Here’s a president with a tremendous amount of political capital spending it very quickly in the name of bipartisanship. In the process, he’s losing the support of the moderates in his own party.

I’m not sure I understand. Obama will be judged on his ability to end the recession and return the economy to health in four years. Isn’t he relying a bit too much on Republicans, some of whom may not want him to succeed?

If I were the Democrats, I’d craft the economic stimulus that I think will actually solve the problem, then bring it to a vote. I rather win or lose with my best hand than a watered-down one (sorry for the mixed metaphor).

It’ll pass the House. If Senate Republicans want to go to the mat and filibuster in the name of principle, holding back hundreds of billions of dollars that could put lots of people back to work, let them make that case and let the American people decide.

It’s probably too late for this. Blue Dog Dems in the Senate have already balked at the package, complicating the calculus. But it seems Obama may be sacrificing policy for bipartisanship.

What do you think?

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