Our Year of Hard Choices
The News Department is starting to hear from people who are interested in our new “Year of Hard Choices” project — we’re looking for people to be sounding boards, tell their own stories, or otherwise contribute. Thanks all; we are sorting through and will be in touch. And we are hoping for many more partners!
This response also came in:
It seems to me that we all know that economic times are tough and getting tougher; how could anyone not know when every news outlet in the nation has doom and gloom as their lead stories daily. I do understand that this is very serious. Most everyone I know is already aware that it is a time to be conservative with spending and resources. It just seems to me that the constant stream of dire news will just get people even more scared and depressed and that will serve to perpetuate and exacerbate the already poor economic climate.
So — to be clear — however hard the circumstances of this economic downturn are, we assume that many of the choices people in the region make will be wise ones, and that we will be sharing stories of resilience and perseverance, of new resources, new paths, new life. That will be the “good news” side of this big story.
Write us:
Canton, NY 13617
e-mail: [email protected]
or call: 1-877-388-6277
Tags: economy