Will the Crown Point bridge end in fire or ice?
“Some say the world will end in fire. Some say in ice.”
Robert Frost’s meditation seems pretty spot-on as we contemplate the demise of the historic Crown Point bridge.
State officials in Vermont and New York have hired a firm to demolish the 2,000-foot-long span using explosives. That’s the fire option.
But as wintry weather closes in, there’s also real concern that ice, wind and snow could simply topple the structure into Lake Champlain.
The DOT will hold three public meetings tomorrow (Saturday) at 9:30 a.m., 12:30 and 3:30 p.m. at the Community Building, 132 Montcalm Street in Ticonderoga, NY to talk about next steps.
During the presentations, project team members will review the design criteria for the new bridge and the feasible bridge types available for consideration.
Attendees will be asked for input regarding features that should be included in the design, such as sidewalks, bicycle lanes, lighting and materials used, as well as the style of the new bridge.
Options for commemorating the historic bridge also will be presented and discussed. The meeting also will address demolition plans for the existing bridge, including when and how it is likely to occur.