Your questions for Doug Hoffman

Tomorrow I’m interviewing Doug Hoffman, the Conservative-Republican candidate hoping to win the NY-23 race in November.

We’ll be talking at his new home in Saranac Lake, which he recently purchased to establish residency inside the district.

I have a list of questions, but this is a chance for you to chime in as well.

What is it you would like to know?

I’m looking for serious, thoughtful, challenging questions here, not snark.

Fire away in the comment section below and look for Hoffman’s answers some time next week.

14 Comments on “Your questions for Doug Hoffman”

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  1. Mervel says:

    What would be some solutions you would propose to reduce poverty in St. Lawrence County? Would you fight to keep Fort Drum open? Name what you consider the most important issues facing people living in Jefferson and St. Lawrence Counties?

    Thanks Brian you always do a good job on these interviews.

  2. newt says:

    You are an advocate of less government. Yet our current financial crisis seems to be a result of not enough government oversight of the financial markets. The country experienced 40 years of financial stability under New Deal programs like Glass-Steagal and the SEC. The Reagan -through Bush eras (including Clinton’s) saw the weakening or elimination of these government safeguards, followed by a series of financial disasters, from the S & L debacle in the ’80s, through Enron, World Com, to the present catastrophe.
    Deregulation seems to have been a colossal failure.

    What would you do to prevent future major financial crises?

  3. George Nagle says:

    What federal, or federally supported, programs in the 23rd C.D. do you believe should be reduced or eliminated?

  4. dave says:

    Do you believe it is possible to sustain local economies without compromising the local environment? If so, what are some ways you feel this can be achieved?

  5. not newt says:

    I have the same question as newt, restated a little:

    The New Deal programs led to 10 years of the Greatest Depression in the history of the US. Reagan’s policies sparked the greatest economic expansion in the 20th century that lasted through Bush1 and made possible the Clinton-dot-com era. Follow that with the government interference of FannyMae and FreddyMac, Barney Frank and Chris Dodd sewing seeds of the financial collapse.

    What would you do to prevent future major financial crises?

  6. Hillbilly says:

    Who Is Your Local College Hockey Team, SLU Saints or Clarkson Golden Knights?

  7. David Sommerstein says:

    These are great! It just so happens we have fellow Republican Matt Doheny in this morning as well, seeking the same seat as Hoffman. I’ll pose some of these questions to him as well…

  8. Tim says:

    Not Newt: The New Deal cause the Great Depression? Did Roosevelt have a time machine?

  9. Brian Mann says:

    David is interviewing Matt Doheny right now; I’ll be talking to Doug Hoffman at 2:30 – so you still have some time for more questions.

    –Brian, NCPR

  10. Molly says:

    Will you financially support the Community Store effort in Saranac Lake?
    What plans do you have to strengthen the economy of the North Country? What ideas do you have for job creation?

  11. Tim says:

    When Dough Hoffman lost last year’s election, he boldly claimed ACORN stole the election.

    “As evidence surfaces, we find out that reported results from election night were far from accurate. ACORN and the unions did their best to try and sway the results to Obamacare supporter Bill Owens…We know this would not be the first time for the ACORN faithful to tamper with democracy”

    Does he still feel ACORN stole the election?
    Did he have any evidence?

    If so:
    What evidence did he have?
    Why did he not fight for the voters of the 23rd who had most fundamental democratic process stolen from them?
    If ACORN steals the election this year, will roll over again and let it go?

    If not:
    How can we trust he would have the temperament to govern if he can casually accuse people of stealing elections without evidence?

    Has he/will he apologized for making false accusations?

  12. anon says:

    “If ACORN steals the election this year, will roll over again and let it go?”
    This question is making the assumption that ACORN has the aforementioned Roosevelt time machine, since ACORN would have to go back in time to be alive and kicking enough to steal an election. It disbanded a while ago.

  13. PNElba says:

    Tell us specifically where you would cut Federal spending such that it made a real difference.

  14. Edd says:

    Many hard working people in our area only make $15,000 per year, and live of off $15,000 per year. (many people have to work overtime to make that)

    Considering decent health insurance costs over $12,000 per family, how are these people supposed to go to the doctor?

    Please tell him I am not interested in him attacking the current health care legislation, I would like him to answer the question.

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