Thoughts on this small world, and more
We’re all pedaling pretty hard here at the station, with just two days to go in our fall membership drive. (give here!) So here’s a quick hit for this afternoon.

“Our backyards are lots closer together than we sometimes think.” Emergency service crews at work in the blast and fire zone of Lac-Mégantic. Photo: Sureté du Québec
Sometimes my news director colleagues at other stations ask why NCPR says yes when NPR asks if they can “borrow” one of our reporters to report a story far afield for the network. Like last summer, when freight cars filled with crude oil derailed and exploded, destroying much of the little Quebec village of Lac Megantic. NPR wanted a reporter there. Our NPR editor reached out to her corps of station-based people. We said yes. But…Lac Megantic? That’s hours and hours from NCPR’s home territory. In Canada. Why take time and effort away from stories that are right here in our backyard? How does that serve our listeners here in the North Country?
Here’s how: David Sommerstein’s story of last week, about trains pulling the same freight cars, carrying flammable cargo, through Canton and Potsdam and all the other towns on the route from Syracuse to Massena. And this, from WWNY-TV yesterday: Feedback: Safety Of Railroad Questioned.
Our backyards are lots closer together than we sometimes think.
Here’s something else: Homeward Bound Adirondacks is partnering with StoryCorps in Saranac Lake over the next few days to gather stories of veterans, service embers and military families. It’s part of the StoryCorps Military Voices Initiative. Participants get a CD copy of the interview; another copy is archived at the Library of Congress. Some will be heard on Weekend Edition.
And, in the news, tomorrow morning:
The Food Bank of Central New York is trying to alleviate hunger with an unusual program. Food Sense offers packages of healthy food at a discount to anybody that wants it – no questions asked.
Karen DeWitt brings us the latest news from Albany
A St. Lawrence County program that helps developmentally disabled young people lead more independent lives is serving an increasing number of clients, despite a decline in state funding. We stop by NYSARC’s Transitions space in Canton for a conversation with its director, some of the young people in the program, and hear about plans to expand to Potsdam by the end of the year.
And, John Warren has the latest outdoor conditions for the Adirondacks for the weekend.
“service embers”
I think you mean “members”. Or maybe these are the hot ones?
The Editor
I think it’s great that you make them available! It’s always a small thrill to hear an NCPR reporter’s piece broadcast on NPR. After all, we’re a tiny little corner of the nation, and NPR is the big-time. Goon on you, good on us all!
(or maybe good on you…)