SLC independent students could get up to $4,000 for education

Photo: SalFalko, Creative Commons, some rights reserved
A grant through the federal Workforce Investment Act (WIA) means independent college students in St. Lawrence County may be able to get up to $4,000 in aid for spring semester to help pay for tuition, books and fees, North Country Now is reporting.
Here’s the details: To qualify for the aid, you’ll have to be in independent student (which means you can’t include your parents’ income in your application); and you’ll need to be enrolled in a vocational program like accounting, engineering or a health care program (no liberal arts majors!)
The St. Lawrence County One-Stop Career Center in Canton is administering the grant; you can contact Larry at 229-3343 or [email protected], or Sue at 229-3351 or [email protected] to find out if you qualify. You’ll need to do it soon, though: Funding for the aid is limited, and you’ll need to complete your application before the start of next semester.
Tags: education, federal, higher education, school, workforce