DEC scraps brush from burn ban

The DEC has released its revised plan to ban garbage burning and other polluting forms of open burning. A DEC official told me the only significant difference from the original rule is people will be allowed to burn brush, branches, and small trees in rural areas. Here’s that revision:

(a) On-site burning in any town with a total population less than 20,000 of downed limbs and branches (including branches with attached leaves or needles) less than six inches in diameter and eight feet in length between May 15th and the following March 15th.

For the purposes of this subdivision, the “total population” of a town shall include the population of any village or portion thereof located within the town. However, this subdivision shall not be construed to allow burning within any village.

The DEC received thousands of comments last summer at public hearings and in writing. Many complained because the original rule would have banned burning downed tree limbs and brush. (We here in the North Country know how many of those are lying around!)

The revised rule still bans burning plastics, including agricultural plastics, and it would, in effect, make the ubiquitous burn barrel illegal.

The agency is taking public comment in writing through June 26th. Read the revised regs and comment here.

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