Before there was rap, there was recitation

What a wonderful sugaring season poem, from Buzz Kuhns, over in Ripton, Vermont,  at the southeastern edge of our coverage area. Thanks to Glenn Pearsall for sending this along.

Anyone else out there writing this kind of poetry about our neck of the woods? Would love to hear or read it!

6 Comments on “Before there was rap, there was recitation”

  1. jillvaughan says:

    Gift to New Mexico

    Thanks, old Yankee neighbor –
    We could have made the syrup
    last for half a year- Savoring secret spoonfuls,
    Hidden, in the fear
    The kids would see us and demand a taste:
    but such parsimony
    seemed to be a waste
    Of that exotic, amber distillation,
    that called for recognition,
    demanded celebration.
    We used it all, with improvident abandon,
    on one breakfast; shared with neighbors,
    poured on pandakes,waffles, bacon.

    We used it all, and wondered if there still were traces
    of snow deep in the woods, or other shaded places,
    Back East.
    We watched the desert, recollecting freeze;
    drank coffee,
    and imbibed the spring-surge
    of the Eastern trees.

  2. Ellen Rocco says:

    Jill–what a wonderful poem! Perfect. Are you in New Mexico???

  3. jillvaughan says:

    no- but we make maple syrup- and I had been thinking about sending some to someone who lives out there, who was wonderful to me when I was in foster care. I just thought about the juxtaposition of the desert and the east. I meant to send it to you in an email, but forgot I was positing a comment. sorry.

  4. Ellen Rocco says:

    Well, Jill, I suspect a lot of blog readers are glad you made a mistake and sent it so everyone could read it. Even better that you imagined this scenario in NM…Keep those poems coming!

  5. Two Cents says:

    (snapping fingers) !!

  6. Pete Klein says:

    Before there was rap there was real music.
    Here’s a rap song for you, just add all the uhh, uhh, ughs
    “Going to the store,
    To buy a door,
    To shut it in your face.”

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