From beach bums to snow bunnies – yup, it’s April

I was walking on Middle Saranac beach this afternoon and the sand was gleaming under summer-like sun.

There were North Countryites walking in bathing trunks, and plenty of pale pasty winter skin on display.

The topic of conversation, of course, was the threat of snow blowing in.

It seemed inconceivable in that moment that we could snap back from what felt like July to what is predicted to look like early March.

If it happens, I’m going to pretend that this is Narnia and we’re all under a spell.

A nasty, unfair spell called April in the Adirondacks.

6 Comments on “From beach bums to snow bunnies – yup, it’s April”

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  1. If Clapton is God, Warren Haynes is Jesus says:

    Oh well, it is the North Country. And we’ve been blessed with a very warm and dry (sadly) spring thus far so a day or two of snow isn’t such a bad thing.

    On a different note, I’m not sure I like the new format. A bit confusing reading comments. But progress isn’t always easy.

  2. Brian Mann says:

    Wow – it is snowing REALLY a lot here in Saranac Lake. Soft fluffy cheerful flakes…grrrr.

    –Brian, NCPR

  3. If Clapton is God, Warren Haynes is Jesus says:

    Snowing here in Lewis County as well. Not very heavy at the moment, however. It’s so dry that I’ll take any kind of precipitation, including the kind that melts before being absorbed into the ground. Let is snow, let it snow, let it snow……

  4. Pete Klein says:

    I would welcome snow any time of the year, July included, as long as I don’t have to shovel it or drive in it at night. Day driving in snow is okay but driving in it at night is no fun.

  5. Jackie says:

    Imagine my delight at tuning in to the Whiteface Mt. webcam and seeing the snow whirling around up there…and the ORDA cam showing snow covering everything at the other sites…others apparently enjoying it from their abodes as the webcam had a wait time to control it and various folks were really exploring with close ups and distant shots! Nice to appreciate it from a non-snow bound locale! :-)

  6. Sunshine says:

    Just think of the nitrogen falling on our gardens (along with the snow/rain)!

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