Brian Mann, grass wrangler

When I lived in Missouri, we used to chuckle at the sight of guys on lawn tractors, trying to tame massive acreages of grass.

Grass farmers, we called them.  I never understood the appeal of navigating in big lazy circles on a noisy machine.

Well consider me converted.  The last two days, I’ve been out on the range — the backyard range, that is.  I kind of let it get away from me, so it took a while to knock back the tall stuff.

Is there anything more satisfying than mowing down a field of dandelions?

I know that none of this is environmentally sensitive.  For what it’s worth, I have a lot of meadow left that’s unmowed and chock full of red wing black birds.

And I don’t use chemicals.  But as a grass wrangler, I’m hooked.  If you want to find me this summer, the best place to look will be out on the little red suburban lawn tractor, turning those lazy circles.

What I listen to while tractoring…

13 Comments on “Brian Mann, grass wrangler”

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  1. Jonathan Brown says:

    You got a cup holder on that thing?

  2. Bret4207 says:

    Environmental sensitivity be hanged! This is WAR!

  3. Brian Mann says:

    It does have a cup holder, which happens to be perfectly sized for my gin and tonic glass.

    –Brian, NCPR

  4. knuckleheadedliberal says:

    You’ll go for a hike or ski at the drop of a hat (on our donated dime!) but you mow with a riding mower? Shame! Get a scythe.

  5. Brian Mann says:

    Knuckleheadedliberal –

    I think what you’re suggesting here is an audio postcard from my lawn tractor!

    Consider it done. Just think of all the nice ambient sound, the moments of discovery, the drama…

    Thanks for the suggestion — and keep those donations coming!

    –Brian, NCPR

  6. knuckleheadedliberal says:

    I only want that audio postcard if its on MY lawn. I’ll even supply the tonic.

  7. knuckleheadedliberal says:

    Hey (hay) everyone! Did you hear that NCPR’s new fund-raiser is to have Brian Mann come over and mow your lawn?

  8. cj says:

    I like it… he can even use my John Deere

  9. If Clapton is God, Warren Haynes is Jesus says:

    I have a Noma tractor with four wheel steering myself. Oh, and I recommend Vodka tonics. Preferably with locally distilled vodka. So as to to support our local economy. I might try the product now being distilled in Lake Placid. I hear it’s highly recommended by the staff at NCPR. Or so I heard during the fund raiser. Who won the gift basket by the way?

  10. Brian Mann says:

    This is definitely the first In Box discussion to celebrate the virtues of drinking and driving. I’ve also been cranking my Ipod while cruising.

    I’ve added a video above of one of my new discoveries – a band called Iron and Wine.

    Ah, summer…

    –Brian, NCPR

  11. If Clapton is God, Warren Haynes is Jesus says:

    Tunes always add that extra spice. I’d recommend Allman Brothers Live at the Fillmore, Miles Davis Some kind of Blue, the debut album from Gov’t Mule (entitled Gov’t Mule), and anything from Derek Trucks. And when in the home stretch and bored with mowing, Van Halen I (just to hear Eddie Shred…’d be surprised at how it will give you that last little energy you need to finish that last patch of grass)…….

  12. scratchy says:

    I’m obsessive about mowing my lawn. Long grass attracts snakes and I do not want snakes in my yard.

  13. knuckleheadedliberal says:

    Brian, you may want to check out the story in this month’s Hill Country Observer about ground nesting birds. Farmers in VT and MA are mowing hay earlier then waiting longer for a second cutting to allow bobolinks and other ground nesting birds a chance to nest.

    Scratchy, long grass doesn’t attract snakes, food attracts snakes. And sometimes a nice warm rock will too. Snakes get rid of pests, try to learn to tolerate them.

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