Raw milk in the news

The other day I watched Ray Hill of Windy Ridge Dairy in West Potsdam milk his 12 cows.  He washed his hands like he was going into surgery.  He sanitized the pipe that takes the milk to the bulk tank.  He cleaned the cows’ teats with iodine – twice.  He inspected each one before slipping on the milker.  Afterwards, he wiped the teats with iodine again.  And he put fresh bedding under the cow before she lied down.

Ray will sell some of that milk to customers unpasteurized, or raw.  That’s why he’s so careful.

Raw milk is one of those great American debates right now, with intractible beliefs on both sides, and gigabytes of web space housing scientific data backing the claims.

Stay tuned for a story next week about the raw milk debate as we experience it here in the North Country.  Have an opinion or personal experience?  Comment below.

Meanwhile, the big news is that Wisconsin’s Governor vetoed a bill that would have eased restrictions on raw milk sales in his state.

6 Comments on “Raw milk in the news”

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  1. If Clapton is God, Warren Haynes is Jesus says:

    The pessimist in me has to wonder if some of the restrictions placed on raw milk have more to do with protecting the corporate interests that no doubt feel threatened by the raw milk initiative. After all, you don’t necessarily need the middle man any longer if you can buy your milk directly from your local farmer.

    I grew up drinking raw milk and don’t seem any worse because of it. Nowadays I drink the 1% stuff from the grocery store. Only because at my advanced age of 40, I don’t need the extra fat in my diet. It’s healthier but it doesn’t taste nearly as good on my morning granola.

  2. Happy and Healthy says:

    Is it really healthier? I wonder how much of the “good” enzymes and vitamins are lost in the pasteurization and skimming of the the fats.
    I do not feel it is something to fight over. To me, it should be a personal choice. I choose to drink raw milk.
    I also wonder about the need of the middle man.

  3. If Clapton is God, Warren Haynes is Jesus says:

    You may be right in asking if pasteurized milk is even healthier. I do know it has less fat, which is why I go with the 1% grocery store product nowadays.

  4. A new website with balanced information on raw milk benefits and risks:


  5. Bret4207 says:

    More news on the dairy front. Now the Federal Gov’t has decided they have the right to limit production by private producers. Great. No problem there comrade.


  6. hmma says:

    That website is very good! Presents the facts and claims without all the emotion.

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