Can Rick Lazio stop New York’s Republican death spiral?

Rick Lazio (Photo source: Lazio for Governor website)

It’s incredibly difficult to find a narrative for the Republican Party in New York state that makes any sense.

The GOP has seen its major potential candidates — Rudy Giuliani and George Pataki — shuffle toward the exits.

Despite some promising early poll numbers, the party failed to find a candidate who can seriously challenge Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand.

And now, with Attorney General Andrew Cuomo boasting poll numbers in rock-star territory, the Republican convention has devolved into a shooting match between three politicians that no one has ever heard of.

Rick Lazio was the politician sacrificed in the Hillary Clinton Senate race a decade ago, after Giuliani dropped out.  In this second act of his political career, he’s built a credible, if uninspired, campaign machine.

But GOP chairman Ed Cox recruited a Democrat, Steve Levy, to challenge him.  Levy won’t officially be a Republican until after the November election.

And then there’s Buffalo businessman Carl Palladino, who’s threatening to run as an independent tea party candidate if he doesn’t get the Republican nod.  Oh, and he has $10 million he’s willing to spend.

Put bluntly, this is the kind of things that organizations do when there’s no real hope of doing anything productive.

When no one can make a rational argument for beating Cuomo (or prevailing any other statewide race), then the irrational arguments kick in.

The problem for the rest of us, of course, is that the last couple of years have made it crystal clear that we need (at least) two functioning political parties.

One-party rule has been a disaster. And without competitive political races, it’s nearly impossible to find out what politicians actually think.

Finally, it’s difficult for local Republicans — in places like the North Country — to compete without a credible standard-bearer at the top of the ticket.

If nothing else, this convention will test Lazio.

If he emerges as the GOP’s gubernatorial candidate, and somehow manages to unite and energize his increasingly punch-drunk party, it will be a sign that he’s a leader worth watching.

57 Comments on “Can Rick Lazio stop New York’s Republican death spiral?”

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  1. Bret4207 says:

    Not penicillin, no, thank you. She’s doing fine now. I’d prefer not to talk about the child we lost if you don’t mind. That’s rather a sore subject. And I’m not a retired Marine as you stated. See? Punctuation does matter, makes you look like a fool when you don’t bother.

    Yes, I did jump on you for using foul language. I will again. It’s not needed, everyone knows you mean the “F” word and it makes you look like an complete moron that can’t express a thought without using foul language on a “G” rated board. That gives me doubt as to your ability to use good judgment, like washing your hands. And yes, I really mean that.

    Look, you’re not an idiot. Some of your argument rings true. You’re mad at many of the same things I’m mad at- a corrupt gov’t, taxes that go to failed programs and ineffective programs, programs like Social Security that were robbed By LBJ and his buds and then everyone joined in the carnage, 2 main political parties that you can’t see any real difference in. How about stating your point without resorting to the garbage language and trying to write so us “old fogies” can make sense of it without re-reading things 5 times. Text language may work for you but it can be confusing for those of us who don’t even know how to text.

  2. Dale Hobson says:

    Just say no–and everyone else:

    The food fight above with personal remarks, “sez you” comments, veiled obscenity, etc. makes me tired. Just so you know–NCPR removes comments that contain obscenities no matter how they are spelled. Broaden your vocabularies please. And in general, try to behave as if your mother reads the In Box, and that the conversation is intended to relate to the post.

    Dale Hobson
    NCPR web manager

  3. just say no says:

    never said anything specific about your children, just that you stated on a blog you had six. don’t put words into my mouth.
    i did not use text language, and as far as old fogies and new technologies, learn to swim if you’re gonna play in the water.
    i’m done with you bret- no need to respond, and as far as the assumption- a dirty mouth (still debateable) equals dirty hands, that shows your narrowminded correctional facility mentality.
    remember you stated you were retired u.s.m.c. on the blog link i posted.
    so if i can make an assumption- you lie, and i caught you.

    dale- i’m tired too, of bret and if i offended anyone else who reads this site, well they’ve said nothing. bret is exerting his perceived authority as if he still works as a police officer, clean language or not he bullies his point, and is the first to criticize the point of others. re-read this thread, tell me where it went from criticizing the subject in the topic to a spelling, grammar, punctuation fight.
    a bunch of psuedo-intellectuals if i have ever seen any.

  4. Bret4207 says:

    Dude- read what I wrote in the site you linked-

    “Greetings gents. I was referred to this site by dek when he learned of my interest in McBrides “A Rifleman Went to War”. Looks like a very nice place you’ve developed here. I’m a gunsmiths kid, a long time collector of milsurps , former USMC, currently nearing retirement from the New York State Police. I’m a Moderator at Cast Boolits – Dedicated To The World Of Cast Bullets! and run Stop Gun Control . I’m also a farmer, mechanic jack of all trades, father of 6 and my wife an I are expecting our first grandchild soon.

    My most recent additions to my collection include a Krag cut down/Carbine (I’m still not sure which yet) and a Sedgley USMC marked 03 Springfield. I hope you’ll all stop by my sites and find them as enjoyable as I find this one.”

    FORMER MARINE, not retired Marine. 4 years, ya know? Who’s putting words in whose mouth?

    Fine, enough. Lets move on.

  5. just say no says:

    oh my got splitting hairs are we?- retired, former, excuse me. you get the point no? or are you that tight?
    “dude”? who’s talking like the kid now? you claim you won’t get your s.s. either yet you claim you’re an old timer who can’t text. i would hope our ssoldiers are more cutting edge than that. you were probably M.P. anyway. once a cop always a cop.
    bret, you’re a peice of work, in my opinion, and now you’re scramblin as far as i’m concerned. not liking you much more after your explaination.
    your condescending manor “look, you’re not an idiot” (as if i need your aknowledgement) says it all. you made a stink and had the moderator remove some of my posts, that’s what a cop mentality does.
    gotta be the one in controll. i pity your wife, kids and farm animals.
    good luck on the farm, with your automatic weapons bill, and anything else you endeavor at, you’ve only proven to me my contempt is valid.

  6. Bret4207 says:

    It’s Ooo-rah, not boooyah. (Snicker)

  7. Bret4207 says:

    Boy, you really got me that time. Ouch, right trough the heart.

    Very adult too.

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